Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What is rapport?

Wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous new year 2014.
This blog was started on 1.1.2012 and completes two years!

What is rapport?

We all know the dictionary meaning of rapport. Here it is:
rap·port :
Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.

But when we experience it in real life then we do appreciate the word!

My friend took me to a central government office to greet them for the new year.

We exchanged greetings with quite a few and many were asking us for new year
compliments and what not.

Then my friend told me that he will exhibit his rapport with the officers there.

We went to the next officer and he asked my friend for a diary. In turn, my friend
asked him to give me a diary! 

The officer retorted: What is this? You are supposed to bring these and give it to us.

Then he quietly pulled out his table drawers and handed me over a brand new 2014 diary
with a pleasant smile.


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