Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why SSDs lose sales....

We(SSDs)  tend to blame the market for low sales.

Market is dull. Market is not picking up. Summer has not started and so on.

Whatever it may be, let us see how we can retain the business which comes our way.

One of the main and may be the only reason sales is lost is because of pricing.

Here are some of the pitfalls.

(1) (Example) Customer rings up and asks the price of 1.5 ton 3 star split ac.
Our salesman may say Rs.30,000 let us say. Immediately the customer says: "But ABC company quoted only Rs.28,000."

Without a thought our salesman believes that! That is the problem.

To counter that the salesman has to THINK.

Is the customer comparing apple to apple?
Who is ABC and what is his pricing for the product?
What are the things included in the pricing of Rs.28,000?

If the above are probed chances of losing the conversation and the sale are slim.

(2) (Example) Customer says: "ABC offer is Rs. xxx. How much can you reduce?"
Your salesman says: "I will check with my Manger/owner and tell you".
Then and there your sale is lost. Because you have given an impression that
reduction is possible!!

(3) Your regular customers who buy units every year are very important customers. Be in
close contact with them.Help them in choosing the units. These days customers rarely stick
to the same brand. Even in the rare case of they buying from somewhere else, you will
still retain the customer and may be install the units and maintain them after the guarantee period.
(One customer recently purchased a unit from me but insisted that his regular mechanic only
should install it.)

(4) Don't let your salesmen give out prices from the price list in parrot like fashion.
Example: What is the price for 1 ton 5 star AC?
Answer: Rs.35,000.

"Yes Sir, thanks for calling, we have 1 ton 5 star unit. Are you sure you need a 1 ton
air-conditioner? Where are you going to fix it?......

Chances are the customer may actually need a 1.5 ton ac!

to be continued...

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